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Week of consulting in Almaty

On October 28-31 in Almaty there has passed the 4th annual Week of Consulting. This action, important for the Kazakhstan business, has proved as one of noticeable annual business events of the country which gives an impulse and ideas for development of small and medium business in the Republic of Kazakhstan

28 october 2014 |  ​​Read more

Day of elderly people!

In the first day of October the International day of elderly people is celebrated. This day has been proclaimed at the 45th session of the United Nations General Assembly, and it is noted since 1991...

01 october 2014 |  ​​Read more

Competition of student's works "Zhas Zerde"

On January 31, 2014 in the International Academy of Business of the city of Almaty the First international competition of student's scientific works in the field of the market and sociological researches "Zhas Zerde" has been held. The main organizers of the Competition were: Kazakhstan Association of professional researchers of public opinion and market (KAPIOR), International Academy of Business (Management and Marketing department), Association of sociologists of Kazakhstan, Guild of marketing specialists and Fund of development of business "DAMU".

31 january 2014 |  ​​Read more

XXIInd World Congress of Political Science

Employees of CIOM have taken part and have acted on section
XXIInd World Congress of Political Science (July, 2012),
Congress Theme: Reshaping Power, Shifting Boundaries.

19 july 2012 |  ​​Read more

HITT-CIS project

The center of Studying of Public Opinion - the organizer of polls in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan on the project of the European Union, "Health of the population and health care in the CIS countries during an era of social changes: state and tendencies of development".

24 march 2010 |  ​​Read more

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